Los Caballos: West Texas in Glass and Bronze

Los Caballos: West Texas in Glass and Bronze made it’s debut on Rocky Mountain PBS Thursday July 23rd. This short film features the creation of Los Caballos, a monumental work of public art created for the Dickie’s Arena in Fort Worth, Texas by Denver artist William Matthews, in collaboration with other artisans. We had the honor of managing this project for Matthews, and oversaw the process every step of the way. The final work of art is a large glass mosaic mural, 62’ long by 12’ high, flanked on either side by bronze bas-relief sculptures. The documentary follows the creation of this impressive work in Mexico and Fort Collins, as well as the installation in Texas, and celebrates the use of ancient art techniques. You can watch the full 22 minute video below.

Thank you to Amie Knox of A & K Productions and Chad Herschberger of Milkhaus Productions for following along on this journey and allowing the viewer a behind the scenes look into the creation of a work of public art.